Senin, 22 Januari 2018

Minggu 13

in this week we are assigned to write the song lyrics, using 5w + 1h :)

Minggu 12

next week we learn simple present and simple present tenses we were assigned to make a conversation using one of these tenses. 

full conversation on the next blog :)

Minggu 11

this week we record various jobs in civil engineering, we also record various items related to the work, and search verbs for each word concerned with civil engineering

Minggu 10

this week, group 5 presented their article. 

they consist of: -Dion, -Faisal, -Riyanto 
Their moderators are: -Cikal. A

 a the theme of their article is "History of civil engineering" 

I rated them 75.6 members and for moderator is 80

Minggu 9

Exam :)

in this week, we civil engineering students run the exam week

Minggu 8

My group presentation :)

My group consists of: -Defrica destiana, -Ayu suntya, -Eki kurniawan 

Our moderators are: sandikatama w. p 

The theme of our article is "Geotechnical engineering" 

review on next Ppt :)

Minggu 7

at week 7, it's time for group presentation 4. 

Their presentation theme is "bamboo engineering for structural applications" 

they are members: -Budianto, -Tri widias, -Slamet riyadi. 

and their moderators: -ihsan virgianto 

My average score for their members is 80.6 and for moderator is 80 

their group is very nice.

Minggu 6

at week six, group 3 presented "water resources engineering"
 they consist of: -Sari wiranti, -Reza muafi, -Aeps. N, -Ferry P, -Sahril S. 
and their moderators: -Abdul Sharif. 
assessment form for members is 79.4 
and for moderators is 79

Pertemuan 5/minggu 5

in this week, group 2 displays their presentation.
theme of their presentation "Transport Engineering"
they are: • Ahmad zahri, • Rizki faisal, • Diky sofyan, • Bagas v. q,
and moderators: • Futuhal Aripin
I give an average rating for their members that is 71.2 and for moderators 71.5

and this is my comment "Overall good, they just do not make eye contact with classmates"

Pertemuan 4

this week, our class started group presentation 1, but due to lack of preparation and the nearness of time, group one was not a presentation.
they will be presentations in the last week

Minggu, 21 Januari 2018

pertemuan 3

meeting activities 3
1. create a group
2. make the question 5w + 1h
3. determine the verbal / nominal
4. determine tenses, patterns and reasons
5. determine the active or passive sentence
6. determine the theme

pertemuan 2

at the second week meeting we learned about SPOK, passive, active formulas.

Kamis, 18 Januari 2018

Pertemuan 1/minggu 1

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

On the first we school, we Introduced to each other, mentioning the origin of the school, residence, and why enter to University Muhammadiyah.